Popular breeds and their common conditions: the Labrador

Popular breeds and their common conditions: the Labrador

The loyal Labrador makes the perfect family dog, with their love of everything from people, pets and especially food! Unfortunately, their kind nature doesn’t make them exempt from health conditions. In this guide we will go through all the conditions that the Labradors are prone to.

Hip Dysplasia

Labradors are predisposed to hip dysplasia, a genetic condition resulting in abnormal formation of the hip joint. Classic symptoms include a “bunny hopping” gait, stiffness or hind leg lameness. This condition often leads to arthritis but can be managed with careful weight management, a controlled exercise regime and pain relief. Severe cases may consider surgical management.

It is advisable breeding dogs should be hip scored prior to breeding, in an attempt to reduce the risk of hip dysplasia being inherited.

Elbow Dysplasia

Elbow dysplasia is caused by abnormal growth and development of the elbow joint. Symptoms typically include forelimb lameness, pain when moving the elbow and a decreased range of motion. Some cases require surgery to remove bone fragments or abnormal cartilage and benefit from physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to improve range of motion.


Arthritis is a common problem in Labradors, especially as they get older. It is important to keep your Labrador healthy with regular exercise and correct feeding to avoid weight gain. It is no secret Labradors are foodies, they are therefore prone to obesity, which can markedly increase their risk of joint disease as well as other ailments.

At Vetsy we are dedicated to suggesting treatment options, referrals for hydro or physiotherapy as well as pain management to ensure a good quality of life. Through our nutrition consultations, we can sign your pooch up to weight watchers and tailor their diet specifically to meet their needs and achieve target results.

Laryngeal Paralysis

Laryngeal paralysis is an acquired condition that can affect Labradors, causing weakness and paralysis to the muscles surrounding the larynx, leading to an inability to open and close the upper airway. Affected dogs typically present with a distinctive “honking” bark, increased respiratory effort, coughing or signs of exercise intolerance.

Medical management can be discussed with our vets at Vetsy, including weight management, exercise adjustments and potential anti-inflammatories. However, more severe cases may need to consider surgery.


Labradors are susceptible to Hypothyroidism, an endocrine disorder that results in low production of thyroid hormone. Clinical signs include weight gain, hair loss, lethargy and an intolerance to cold.

Easily treated with thyroid hormone supplementation, Vetsy can arrange ongoing prescriptions for you.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

PRA is an inherited disease that leads to slow, progressive blindness. Typical appearance of cloudy eyes and behavioural changes may be seen. Sadly, at present, there is no effective treatment for PRA.

Vetsy can suggest potential antioxidant therapy, which may help delay vision loss.

Ear infections

Labradors can be susceptible to ear infections, therefore it is essential to dry their ears after swimming and bathing. We advise bathing the ears using a balanced ear cleanser and regularly check the ears for signs of inflammation, redness or bad odours.

Consult with Vetsy should you have any concerns your dog is showing signs of ear infections.